At My Mirror, our mission is to maximise our social impact to reduce statistics suggesting more than half of Australians never obtain support over the life of their mental health issue.
We believe the mental health crisis is as much a systems crisis as it is a modern behavioural human problem with deep biological, psychological, social and existential roots. We provide an evolving, purpose built, high access, end to end ‘ tele-tech’ healthcare service dedicated to constant evolution and value based care, to provide the foundation for what needs to become a paradigm shift in the prevailing modern thought on how we obtain what we need or want. We hope to address and normalise seeking psychological help by eliminating the stigma, geographical, financial and time-related accessibility barriers that often make it difficult to seek therapy conveniently.
Our founding philosophy comes from the symbolism of the Japanese Kintsugi sound mirror where it is believed that when something has become damaged it shouldn’t simply be thrown away or disregarded. It should instead, attract our attention and be repaired with enormous care – this process symbolising a reconciliation with the flaws and accidents of time, thereby becoming stronger and more beautiful with the right treatment.
Kin = golden
tsugi = joinery
‘to join with gold’.
[1] Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS), 2018, National Health Survey: First Results, 2017-18 (4364.0.55.001),
[2] [3] Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) (2018), National Health Survey: First Results, 2017-18 (4364.0.55.001),