How to find a bulk billing psychologist near me

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23 May 2023
by My Mirror Editorial Team

Our mental health should always be a priority. Whether you are going through a big life change or simply trying to keep up with the demands of daily life, mental health is an integral part of who we are.  

For many, seeking help from a psychologist can make a world of difference in the journey for better mental health. These services should be accessible to anyone who needs it, no matter the circumstance or financial situation. Thankfully, bulk billing psychology services are an affordable solution, ensuring those who are eligible can access the help they need without unnecessary barriers. 

The challenges of finding bulk billing psychologists

Taking the first step to finding the right mental health solution can feel daunting, and it shouldn’t be made harder with overly-complicated applications and unaffordable services. High costs, long wait times and shortages of psychologists in your area can put a frustrating stop to your mental health search. 

Many don’t realise they might be eligible for bulk billing psychology services. While others struggle to find bulk billing psychologists that are near them once they get their GP referral letter and Mental Health Plan. With bulk billing, you don’t need to juggle between finding the right care and navigating the costs of therapy.  

Find out if you’re eligible for bulk billing psychology services or reduced-cost sessions

What is bulk billing psychology? 

Bulk billing allows clients to receive psychological support with zero out-of-pocket expenses. This scheme ensures access to professional psychologist services without the high costs often associated with therapy. It's made possible because psychologists receive their payments through reimbursements directly from Medicare rather than from the client themselves. Instead of worrying about high fees, clients can focus on what’s important: engaging with the sessions and working towards a positive change.  

Those who are eligible for bulk billed psychology services can receive up to 10 sessions per year. Usually, clients are allocated 6 initial sessions, followed by an additional 4 sessions if your GP provides the referral. Learn more about claimable bull billed sessions.

Does bulk billing still provide the same level of support? 

Yes, bulk billed psychology services offer exactly the same level of support as regular psychology sessions. The therapy sessions themselves are carried out in the same way as any other therapy session, and are offered by professional, registered psychologists.   

Finding a bulk billing psychologist near me 

Many seek psychology services via video conferencing, but some prefer face-to-face sessions. When searching for in-person psychology sessions that provide bulk billing, you need to make sure they work in your area. Not only do you need a psychologist that has the same availability as you, but you need to able to travel to your psychologist’s office and work out any logistics involved.  

When looking for a bulking billing psychologist near me, here are some key things to consider:  

  • Do they have experience working with issues you want to address? 
  • Does their availability align with yours? 
  • Will you be able to travel to their office easily? 
  • Do they definitely provide bulk billing?  

Convenience plays a pivotal role in maintaining regular therapy sessions. It means you can spend less time travelling and more time prioritising your mental health.   

The benefits of face-to-face consultations 

Knowing your psychologist is nearby and on hand is a great comfort to many clients. In-person therapy sessions help clients establish positive relationships with their psychologists, especially if they have regular appointments. During the sessions, your psychologist will be able to read your body language and interpret non-verbal cues, building trust and understanding.  

A good client-psychologist relationship will create a secure, safe environment where you can talk openly, express your thoughts, and most importantly feel heard. 

Bulk billing psychologists online 

Sometimes it can be more practical to work with an online psychologist that offers bulk billing. Some rural and remote communities in Australia have a smaller range of therapists to choose from, and wait times can be considerably longer. Online therapy platforms like My Mirror allow clients to connect with a psychologist that suits them best, regardless of where they are based in Australia.  

Many clients find online therapy more beneficial than in-person sessions because they can take the sessions from the comfort of their own home. Others opt for online therapy so they can fit the sessions into their busy schedule. Every person is different and it’s important to find a therapy solution that best matches your own unique needs.  

How to find a bulk billing psychologist 

More and more psychologists are offering online therapy sessions, making it easier to find a bulk-billing psychologist that fits with your goals and availability. Online platforms like My Mirror support bulk billing, and help clients get matched with a psychologist that best fits their needs.

When it comes to finding a bulk billing psychologist near you, there are several resources available to help you find the right match: 

GP recommendations 

To be eligible for bulk billing you’ll need a referral letter and Mental Health Plan from your GP. During your appointment, ask your GP for recommendations for potential psychologists, and you should be able to contact them and find out if they offer bulk billing.  

Online directories 

Finding bulking billing psychologists is made easier through online directories like Health Engine. These sites allow you to filter your psychologist search so you can find someone that fits your own criteria. This could include their location, availability and the type of insurance they accept, making it easier to find trusted practitioners.   

Search engines 

Today, most psychologists are listed online. An online search such as ‘bulk billing psychologist near me’ using a search engine like Google, Bing or Yahoo will help you to find someone in your area. 


If you are eligible for bulk billing, be sure to let your psychologist know. Bulk billing is there for those who need it, and it’s important you feel comfortable discussing this with your psychologist so you can access psychology services at the right rate.   

Find a bulk billing psychologist near you and unlock accessible mental health care that’s affordable and convenient. We all deserve to receive the mental health support we need with the assurance of quality care.  

Bulk billing made easy with My Mirror

My Mirror is proud to offer bulk-billed psychology sessions for all those who are eligible. Simply check your eligibility and wait just 1-3 days to find out if your application is approved. Then book your session with a bulk-billing psychologists of your choice, with zero wait times and a wide range of psychologists to choose from.  

Get started with online therapy today.


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